June  2002

CAD Files




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4 Jun 02 (1 hour, 10 minutes)

I cut LC, N1, K2, and three H tubes. It's taking between 10 and 20 minutes per tube at the moment to cut using a junior hacksaw. I estimate that I have another 58 tubes to cut. At 10 minutes a tube it will take another 9.6 hours!

Bought an angle grinder stand from screw fix to make the cutting faster.

9 Jun 02 (1 hour)

I've ground the tack welds flat, turned over the bottom rails, tack welded and ground those welds flat as well. Tack welded two of the H tubes in to position. Seem to be going through quite a bit of Argon gas.....


Sometime Jun 02 (1 hour)

Assembled and broke the angle grinder stand! (It was supposed to look like this). I sent it back to screw fix and got a replacement.

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